Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good bye 2012, Welcome 2013

Wishing all my readers and followers "A Very Happy New Year".
May the New Year bring you Happiness, Peace and Good Health.
The fire-works are already starting to fill the skies in bidding farewell to 2012 and welcoming the New Year 2013.

With each coming New Year, people tend to make some resolutions to guide and motivate them through the year. I am not one who makes resolutions. I had always live each day as it comes and make the best use of it. I believe that to feel alive, just choose to do something that makes my day!

Reflecting on the old year 2012, I made one major decision. I decided in January 2012 not to extend my work contract. Its been 10 years working full time since my retirement from government service. I learn to "let go" and "to smell the roses". It wasn't too hard a decision. And its been almost a year now. I am enjoying my present situation, working as a free lance consultant. Taking on overseas assignments and a few local consultancies kept me active during the year and yet having free time on my hands to do whatever I fancy. Enjoyed my three trips to Vientiane, Laos on a project there. Spent three productive and exciting months there. And looking forward to be there again in 2013.

2012 is also a memorable year as I became a grand-father. Having a grandson is a fulfillment. 

In 2012, my wife and I also visited Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia. On the way we also visited Dubai and spent a day at the Desert Safari.

The past year also saw me being more active in blogging. Intend to do more in 2013.

2012 had been a wonderful year and I look forward to another great year in 2013!

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