Sunday, March 24, 2013

Vientiane Organic Products Market - Revisited

This morning I revisited the Vientiane Organic Products Market. I had posted on my first visit to this market and an organic farm when I was working in Vientiane, Laos in December 2012. In many developing countries, organic farming had not been very sustainable as it involves more risks compared to conventional farming. The major risks are related to pests and diseases management in compliance to organic certification requirements. Coupled with consumers unwillingness to pay premium prices for organic products, we do see many organic farming efforts being abandoned. In many cases, organic farmers are also constrained by a lack of market access for their produce. 
I arrived at about 8.00 am and the market was very active. Being alone there this time, I spent more time wondering around the market. There are many types of fresh organic vegetables and other products on sale. There are also many customers. I decided to buy some and found their prices are very reasonable for organic products.
With the continuous support by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in promoting organic farming in Laos, this organic market is still very active and doing well, with ample supply from the farmers practicing organic farming. This is an important initiative in strengthening the organic farming value chain in linking producers to the market and consumers. 

Green chillies
Baby brinjal (egg-plants)
Stalls of fresh organic produce

My support: I bought some of the organic products
Organic Mandarin Rice

Organic Black Rice
Ready mixed varieties of beans

Organic Red Beans
Organic Bananas

Honey from Nature Forest
Organic lettuce for my sandwich
Nice mangoes: very sweet

Well organised market
Beautiful and Fresh

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