Saturday, December 10, 2016

Health Is Wealth - Morning Exercises

With increasing awareness for better health and well being in enhancing quality of life, there is always a hive of exercise activities in our neighbourhood park.
Besides the usual walking, jogging and running, there are groups gathered for various forms of physical and mental exercises.
These include practices like Gigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Praise Dance, Meditative and Gymnastic exercises.
The people in the park ranges from all ages.
The younger set are more into jogging, running and jungle tracking.
The seniors are practitioners of  Praise Dance, Tai Chi and Gigong.
Walking, however is the most common exercise activity by both young and seniors.
For me, it is always very refreshing after an hour of brisk walking in the park.

Gigong Exercise
Praise Dance
Tai Chi Practice

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