Sunday, March 16, 2008

Be A Winner

Something I read today in "Business Today" (February 2008 issue)              
People who see themselves as winners in life use different language to those who always seem to be one step behind
A winner will say, “Life is good to me” whereas a loser will say, “Nothing ever goes my way.”
A winner will say, “I’ll find time to do it,” whereas a loser says, “how do you expect me to find time to do it.”
A winner says, “We seem to have different views on this,” whereas a loser will say, “I’m not going to change my mind.”
A winner will say, “There must be a better way of doing things,” whereas a loser will say, “we’ve always done it that way.”
Life is self-fulfilling prophecy.
The more you talk and act like a winner the more winner-oriented you become.
To be a winner, I decided on the following:
  • Don't obsess about the little tasks that need to get done. They will be finished in their own time.  
  • Think more about how you want to use your time. What would you like to accomplish?  
  • You might want to set goals, and bring your desires into line with your daily reality

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