Friday, October 12, 2012

Becoming Grandparents

On the 2nd of October 2012, my wife and I took a trip to Singapore.
We have been to Singapore quite often to visit our eldest daughter who is working and married there.
This trip was not like all the others.
Of course the other memorable trip was last year when we went for our daughter's wedding.
This trip was going to be the most memorable and important one for both of us.
We are going to be first time grandparents.
Our daughter was going to deliver her first child!

We boarded our bus at 8.00 am for the journey to Singapore.
Our daughter was admitted at 6.30 am to the National University Hospital (NUH), Kent Ridge, Singapore.
Can just imagine how anxious, nervous and at the same time excited the two old folks were during the bus journey which was going to take 5 hours or more.
We were both praying silently for the well-being of both our daughter and her child.

At 9.30 am, we received the good news from our son-in-law that he is the proud father of a healthy boy.
We became grand parents on 2nd October 2012.
Our first grandson! We kept looking and admiring the photos of our first grandson which were sent to my iPhone.
Both mother and child are fine and in the good care of a professor from NUH.
Our feelings were so great and relieved that every moment for our daughter and her son went well.
We thanked the Almighty for his blessings.

We just could not wait to be there to see our grandson.
The journey continued on as if too slowly.
We finally arrived safely on time.
We checked into our hotel and immediately took a cab to NUH.
We were emotionally overwhelmed to see for the first time our oh-so-cute grandson.
And our daughter and son-in-law were brimming with happiness to be first-time parents!
Later when our daughter's in-laws and family came, we were congratulating each other as it is also their first grandson (though they are already blessed with two grand-daughters).

We stayed on in Singapore for four nights, with daily visits to see our daughter and her son until they were discharged on the fourth day.
We are receiving photos of our grandson almost daily.


 Proud Parents

 Proud Grand Parents

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