Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keeping Fit in Retirement

Since my retirement from full-time employment in January this year, I still wake up at 6.00 in the morning.
Instead of driving to work, trying to beat the traffic jams to and back from work, I have been enjoying my morning pleasures of walking in the nearby park. Or just go cycling around the residential garden.
Its so refreshing seeing so many people, the young and elderly, taking their morning exercises in the Park.
This is an activity I seldom have the opportunity of enjoying on a regular basis.
Now I am able to to maintain my "Keep Fit" programme at least 3 to 4 times a week.

Time, however, is an elusive commodity.
I seem to feel that time just passes by so quickly each day.
An hour or two of morning "Keep Fit" programme, followed by breakfast and catching up with the news on my iPad, its already almost mid-day and ready for lunch.
How time can easily pass by.

In keeping myself active and occupied, I still do some 'free-lance" consultancies.
Without proper planning for the day, I could easily be distracted by other activities.
Anyway, with organised discipline, each day has been well-spent!

 Scenic View of the Lake 

 Its a pleasure to enjoy the morning freshness

The young and the old enjoying a good workout

 Taking time to watch the pigeons

Such great pleasure to just watch these beautiful birds

 Some running, some walking and others having quality time strolling with their chidlren

 Its a pleasure to be with nature

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