Saturday, December 8, 2012

Farewell Dinner, Leaving Vientiane

Times seems to fly by so fast and it is time to leave Vientiane again.
My 3rd consultancy mission to Lao PDR this year ends today and tomorrow morning I leave for home.
It has been an enjoyable and productive mission, working with very pleasant and professional officers here.
We have come to known each other very well and able to work very cohesively and professionally since 2009 to achieve our project goals. We still have a year to ago to complete the the project.
I am always happy to come here and also happy to leave for home.
We enjoyed a farewell dinner at a French restaurant, The Europe Steak House in Vientiane.
My Lao colleagues came with their families to bid farewell to me.
This is my second time dinning in this restaurant.
They serve delicious western cuisine like beef steak, lamb steak, pork steak, pizza and others.
The house bake buns are just fantastic, and there is always a request for more.
Wine is good here and so is the bill!
Will be back here soon early next year.
Will miss the familiar "Sa Bai Dee" greetings (welcome and how are you in Lao).
Kop Cai (Thank you in Lao) to all my Laotian friends for the lovely meal.

Me and my Lao friends and their families

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